God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God's work from beginning to end.

Life is about changes and learning to enjoy the adventure of journeying in life with Him. I can't see what's ahead and have no way of controlling how things will go. I can only trust Him, that He makes all things beautiful in its time.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Malaysia to host International Christian Creative Arts Conference

Wow, Malaysia is chosen to host the 6th International Christian Creative Arts Conference. This is exciting. Did you know there is a Malaysia has a Christian Dance Fellowship? Find out more at their website.

Christian Dance Fellowship Malaysia & International Christian Dance Fellowship invite you to join us at the:


July 10—16, 2006
Genting International Convention Centre
Kuala Lumpur

Joyous Greetings from Christian Dance Fellowship of Malaysia (CDFM).

We are proud to inform you that Malaysia has been chosen to host the 6th International Christian Creative Arts Conference. This conference is the global event of the International Christian Dance Fellowship (ICDF) with which CDFM is affiliated. It is held every 3 years, co-hosted by the local charter CDF of a particular country. The previous 5 conferences were successfully held in Israe , UK, South Africa, Australia and USA respectively. Next year, it will be held in July 10-16, 2006 at Genting International Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur.

Conference Objectives

  • To present a biblical worldview of the arts related to worship, ministry and mission
  • To celebrate life, hope and beauty through diversity of multi-genres, cross-cultural evangelism and international exchange of ideas relevant to a fast-changing world.
  • To develop a unity of artistic expression by reclaiming the arts for the glory of God and His purpose.
  • To provide a globe networking, encouragement, vision and fellowship for the body of Christ involved in the creative arts and dance ministries.

An exciting international program is in store for all participants. There will be live performances plus a variety of educational activities such as worship celebrations, concerts, workshops, arts exhibition and an outreach dance project titled The Dance Village. These will address dance in different ways and explore its diverse roles, elements and forms, catering to the interests of the participants, performers, choreographers, academics, enthusiasts, audiences and community beyond the church walls.

International speakers, teachers and delegates from approximately 35 to 45 nations will be attending the conference. We also hope to draw an attractive crowd from our own nation and neighbouring Asian countries.

As Malaysia is the host country, we have the advantage of savings on airfare, travelling expenses and forex exchange rates.

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