God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God's work from beginning to end.

Life is about changes and learning to enjoy the adventure of journeying in life with Him. I can't see what's ahead and have no way of controlling how things will go. I can only trust Him, that He makes all things beautiful in its time.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Summer Photos!

Malaysians doing an outdoor BBQ in the park - only in Vancouver!

Farewell for KC and Sophia at Victor's place. One of the many this summer.

Helped to hand out icy cold drinks and fizzies beside the church to walkers for BC: Run for Cure for the Cancer Foundations. They came out to run in their full gear!

Dr Karen Jobes taught on the book of Esther which I helped to TA. Learned heaps from her!

Dr Alister McGrath taught on Apologetics. He was crystal clear and very helpful in answering many of the questions students brought to class.

Sharon Jebb Smith hails from Ireland. A Regent alumni who came to taught this Summer. Both she and her husband have a very lovely Irish accent.

One of my best thus far. Was surprised at my camera's ability. Not bad at all for a point and shoot.

Found this cafe located in Granville Island, with every table individually designed with infills like this!

Little Sammy holding out a flower for me to take a photo! Love his amazing blond hair - won't get it that colour even if I bleached mine over and over again. I should know... I tried.

Little Hannah is from Malaysia. She's just mastered riding on 2 wheels. So proud of her. Look at the amazing flowers she is posing beside. Juxtaposed them together for some perspective.

This humongous sunflower is taken from the garden of the house located next to my church. Contrast it with the school in the background. I'm amazed it is actually standing.


Anonymous said...

hmmm..your hair have grown pretty long which makes you look very pretty ;P

u looked tanned ... at least when you are photographed together with Sharon Jebb Smith ... or maybe she is just so fair!

my fav is the web pict, didn't caught spiderman?

Anonymous said...

"Both she and her husband have a very lovely Irish accent."
