God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God's work from beginning to end.
Life is about changes and learning to enjoy the adventure of journeying in life with Him. I can't see what's ahead and have no way of controlling how things will go. I can only trust Him, that He makes all things beautiful in its time.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Survived the first week of Greek
Been doing quite a bit of experimenting with cooking since we have dinner together quite regularly. It's pretty encouraging to see what I cooked being finished up! At least gives me some motivation to cook... or to learn how to cook! Celebrated Mooncake Festival with some friends at my place, complete with mini mooncake, red bean soup and baby yam. Had a good mix between us too, from Canadian, Indonesian, Singaporeans and a fellow Malaysian. In case anyone is wondering, the moon is very full and bright over here too. In fact probably clearer without air pollution. Yes, revealing my fascination with the moon, stars and stuff in the sky (sorry, not sure what the proper collective noun is) and weather related matters. Well, here I am just grateful for everyday that we can still see the sun and having fine weather.
A goalless draw from Liverpool. It's definitely better than losing to ManU.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Post-Modern in the Garden
Figured I should pen down some thoughts from the summer courses I took. One thing that struck me when I was looking at Genesis was how similar the temptation of the serpent in the Garden sounded to the post-modern position. The desire to evaluate what is right or wrong independently of God is age old. The post-modern thinker who insists 'I will decide for myself what is good for me' is nothing more than Eve being dressed up in modern garb. It is only natural that a pluralistic stance must follow to support it. Since we've decided we will the final judge of what is true and right, we are left with no choice but to respect every other position held to be just as good or equally valid. The final outcome is nothing short of absurdity.
Even those of us who claim to take God at His Word may sometimes deceive ourselves, and in fact, consider our opinion of His Word to carry more weight than His Word itself. Often I want to 'experience' His Word, that is, put it to a 'test', as if giving God a chance to prove His Word to me. What arrogance! He is God and I am not. How easy I forget that. In past generations, men tend to think that he is being tried by his Maker and is conscious of how far he falls short from 'The Standard'. According to C. S. Lewis, it appears today as if God is in the dock and humanity is trying Him. Thus it is God's job to convince me that what He says is true, that He is good, fair and just. Basically to prove that He is God. I, on the other hand, assume the role of a judge, and decide if He passed the test. How often I catch myself being quick to question His very existence or His benevolence, the moment I experience some slight discomfort or disappointment. Sigh ... How long will it take before I accept my finiteness and inadequacy to make accurate and consistent evaluation of what is truly good, right or godly? Without a complete and exhaustive knowledge of everything, past, present and future, there is no way I can judge perfectly. It's high time for me to honestly and humbly consider and admit to my limitations.
God, help me to take God seriously and take Him at His word because You expect nothing else and deserve nothing less.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
New Term Begins
Of course, besides all that, I still remembered to play! Visited the PNE which is a huge Fair here, with lots of stuffs lined up. They have bands, dance performances, a sort of trade fair with all sorts of merchandise, all kinds of rides you can think of, games stalls not unlike those you see on TV, heaps of food stalls. Especially liked the motorcycle stunt show/competition. This Fair goes on for about two weeks. I went on this crazy ride - The Revelation is one of the fastest and most exhilarating extreme rides in the world! Designed like a giant airplane propeller, the Revelation holds two to four riders comfortably in the cockpit seats at each end of its 160 foot arm. Riders take off quickly spinning up to 100 kph and experience the same intense "G" forces as fighter pilots! The combination of the rotation, tremendous height, high speed and the rush of wind will definitely reveal the intensity of the ride. Not for the faint of heart, the Revelation is for the ultimate thrill seeker! So it spins you 3 rounds forward ... and 3 rounds backwards!
The summer 'holidays' is officially over. Managed to complete my last Summer school assignment last week. Classes starts tomorrow for the new term. Will be taking some core courses including Introductory Greek, Christian Thought and Culture (CTC) and Old Testament Foundations. CTC sounds promising and very exciting, with 25 lecturers taking different segments or something like that. Basically it's a newly designed core course to introduce some basic values and things which the faculty feels depicts what Regent stands for.
Celebrated Grandparents Day today with a friend and her in-law family. She's from FGA KL, married to a Malaysian whose family have migrated here for many years. The whole family are committed Christians. I actually didn't know her very well when she was in KL so it was really sweet of her to extend me the invitation. Quite a large family and a few other guests were present too. And boy, what a treat it was. Her father-in-law cooked laksa and she prepared satay, complete with all the condiments and 'kuah'! Better than anything you can get here. Of course, you can imagine me and laksa...with tears streaming down cause too pedas! So shy. Been feeling a bit down the past 2 days so I'm grateful it ended on a high note.
Happy Mooncake Festival next Sunday - enjoy the mooncake and lantern playing even if you don't 'celebrate'! There's such a large Chinese community here that they even get the famous Hong Kong brands of mooncakes flown in and sold at the Asian supermarkets.
Fascinating and Frustrating Facts about Vancouver
The roads here are very well-planned and laid out like a grid. The numbers are in order like the streets that run from north to south in consecutive numbers, like
The bus system is not difficult to figure out – generally no. 4 goes along the route of
Here the banks charge for every single transaction, including ATM services, request for statement, debit card transactions, etc, except making a deposit! This is the practice for most banks. So what you have to do is sign up for a banking plan, which gives you certain number of transactions for free, depending on the type of plan – similar to a mobile phone plan. Quite shocked initially, then I thought of how I used to complaint that Maybank charges for more than 4 ATM transactions a month. When registering for a new handphone number, with some companies you can select 'Asian friendly numbers' and will be given options of numbers that end with 3s, or 8s, and not 4s. Here they charge for making and receiving calls on the cell but you can buy a plan to send text messages, like CAN$3 to send 50 messages a month! Just to give you an idea, a basic plan costs about CAN$20 (excluding tax and other 'fees' for voice mail, call display and text messages) and gives you about 200 minutes - you get charged for incoming and outgoing calls. Others can give you more minutes, say off-peak like evenings and weekends. They will reduce it to about 100 minutes of outgoing calls during peak hour. Any extra minute above that, you are charged CAN$0.25 per minute which is crazy because a local call from the public phone costs CAN$0.25 per call! Yes, it is cell and text message here. They don't understand what is sms! Some prefer to use a land line which is only CAN$25 per month for unlimited local calls.
Postage is pretty expensive. Standard local mail costs CAN$0.50 plus tax and to Malaysia, it's CAN$1.45 plus tax. I've mentioned before that tax is not reflected on price tags. In Vancouver, you pay PST (Provincial Sales Tax) and GST (Goods and Service Tax), which is a whooping 7% each. Tax is levied based on the kind of goods, so for example, there's no tax for essentials and here, that is bread and milk - sorry, not rice! So you kind of hold your breath when you go shopping, not knowing how much more you need to pay for tax.