God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God's work from beginning to end.

Life is about changes and learning to enjoy the adventure of journeying in life with Him. I can't see what's ahead and have no way of controlling how things will go. I can only trust Him, that He makes all things beautiful in its time.

Monday, March 14, 2005


Dreams are what you make them to be. Daring to dream is something I believe all of us must strive to do. It's hard to live our dreams. What is important is that we should aim to live God's dreams. They are not necessarily different but neither are they always one and the same thing. I just watched Robots and the underlying message is to be yourself and be the best you can be. Sometimes in our chase of a dream, we need to understand ourselves and who we really are, what is it that we're really looking for. When I fail to understand myself and what is it that I'm really looking for, there's tremendous tendency for others around me to try to tell me who I am and what I should be looking for. When I am clueless about my dreams, the world will try to dictate my dreams. Even when I'm trying to discover who I am, there are voices in my life who will gladly fill in the blanks on my behalf. Yes, I sound like I'm confused. Perhaps I'm afraid. Fear of taking the leap into the unknown.

I can't say that this dream of mine is definitely the best thing that can happen to me because like all dreams, there's a risk. Yes, if it works out fine, I will be a better person, but if it doesn't, who knows? I maybe more cynical, hardened, disillusioned than I am now (I am not saying I'm all these at the moment!) The truth is we never know, right? Can we always be sure if our venture is always going to be a success?! A success in whose eyes anyways? If measured against the world's standards of success, then it will be based on results and productivity. However if measured by God's standards, wouldn't it one of obedience and faithfulness? Results, I believe, is something that God gives in reward of our faithfulness but my primary responsiblity is to be faithful. The farmer sows and faithfully tends his field, but growth and fruit-bearing is God's part. The farmer doesn't determine if it will be 30-fold, 60-fold or 100-fold harvest. That's God's perogative.

My confidence is in God to carry me through, to bring forth His plans for my life and help me walk in His will. I believe, it is equally possible that God leads me through my desires and plans. Unless He absolutely closes the door, I can assume that I am walking in His will. I know God guides me through prayerful consideration and by my keeping an open mind towards godly counsel. I am certain that God's grace is sufficient and can redeem even my worst errors as I entrust my life into His hands. Risk taken in God is really no risk at all.

I sense His voice like a father telling his child, 'Jump, don't worry. I'm here and I'll catch you'. I love Him and I know He loves me too. Like a father who believes in his child, He is inviting me to dream. To believe in Him and to surrender my dreams to Him. Therefore I am inviting Him to be part of my dreams. Yes, I have a dream but I don't want to dream apart from Him. I am also open for Him to plant His dreams within me. Sometimes I feel my dreams are too small ... and that He's got plans that are much bigger than I ever had for myself. More than anything I desire to do His will. Lord, help me discern Your will for my life. You are my Good Shepherd who will surely lead me in the path of righteousness for Your Name sake. So is there only one path? Maybe. I know I will keep on the path of righteousness for as long as I am walking with Him. My concern and focus is not on which path I should take but on Whom I am walking with.

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