God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God's work from beginning to end.

Life is about changes and learning to enjoy the adventure of journeying in life with Him. I can't see what's ahead and have no way of controlling how things will go. I can only trust Him, that He makes all things beautiful in its time.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

A new blog??

Yes, unbelievable as it sounds, I started a new blog. A more fun and frivolous one, in my opinion anyways. That's what happens when I've been super busy and suddenly have a one week break for Reading Week. Do crazy stuff. Don't know how often I'd be updating it ... or this for that matter, when classes resume. ;p
Feel free to check it out here: Just For Fun!

Exegetical Insight

Have we accorded too much to the Doctrine of the Fall?

For example in relation to Eve and childbearing pains
  • This is usually translated to labour pains but normal word in Hebrew for labour pains and birth pangs is something else.
  • Childbearing is also an odd translation as the original Hebrew word usually means conception.
So the judgement is really against man and woman’s vocation and calling. This is the social implication as a result of disobeying God. Thus her pains are in fact with regards to her role as mother and wife, like seeing her sons kill each other, which is every mother’s nightmare.

These are some of the stuff we discuss in our Old Testament course. And my professor, Dr Iain Provan, is an authority in Old Testament to be reckoned with.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

All the leaves are brown

It's so pretty. A bright and lovely day in Fall is such a treat. I try to get outdoors when the sun comes out!

Fall colours all on one tree.

Malaysian gathering for Thanksgiving Lunch - Nasi Lemak!

Pike Place Market in Seattle

Willingdon Church - Autumn Fest

A full load but a light burden

I know. I know it's been over a month since I last blogged. My apologies for those of you've been checking. Busy is the only word I can use to describe the time I've had here. Absolutely busy. You'll see what I mean ...

There's been some more goodbyes since the summer. Made some more new friends but everybody is very busy and quite caught up with workload in school, so making friends and building relationship really requires an intentional effort. Lots to chew on from my studies. The first few weeks was tough and found myself swimming, barely afloat. Things seem to fly over my head and had no idea where the lecture was going. Didn't help when those in my tutorial group seem enjoy discussing theological ideas in the abstract and sounded very intelligent. Intellectually stimulating and stretching but also very intimidating.

I went for a college weekend retreat at the end of Sept. It was held in the States about 2½ hours drive away. As a result of some miscommunication, I ended up getting a ride with Sven and Rose Soderlund to the retreat, which was a pleasant experience. It was an opportunity to meet and get to know some of the students, staff and faculty member in a more relaxed environment. Although with over 400 campers, I felt the group was way too big. Was very moved during the last session on Sunday morning, which was Communion Service. It was beautiful as communion was served to each individual personally, by name, and then we were prayed for after receiving the elements.

My friends and I took a short trip to Seattle over the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend, 2nd weekend of Oct. It was a very good trip. Did mostly shopping and visited the famous Pike Place Market. Love the whole ambience of the market! It has a few floors of market space. Too big to visit them all. Saw the 'The Needle' ... the tallest building before KL Tower overtook it. I visited the Apple Fest at the Botanical Garden on campus last weekend. The sun was out and I just couldn't resist. It was lots of fun and was introduced to so many types of apples which I didn't even know existed! Had the chance to try some of them too.

I recently started working part-time in Regent, with the Summer Program office. The department takes care of spring and summer terms, from syllabus and course outlines, organising events, liaison with faculty, arranging accomodation for visiting faculty and overseeing the 40-50 students who will be hired to assist the faculty during that time, among other things. Basically everything except registration of students. It's a very busy office and planning is done 2-3 years in advance. I love the nature of the job and am thankful I was offered the position. It is an opportunity for me to serve with my combination of giftings and at the same time, get to know the faculty and student body a little better. At first, I prayed for the job and I got it ... now I pray for grace and strength to sustain me in the job, as I juggle my already full plate of school work, housechores and other stuff, like swimming (been once)! It's rather challenging but this has been my desire - for the experience to serve in the college - even before I got here!

I've been attending and helping out unofficially with an Alpha group on campus. It's a campus outreach to international students. Many students who are pursuing their further studies in University of British Columbia (the campus Regent is located and where I am living), especially from China, join us. Excellent opportunity to reach out and discuss about the Christian faith in a non-threatening environment. Some of them have accepted Christ recently and growing in the Lord slowly. In the meantime, still looking for a church to settle in.

It's Reading Week next week, which means there are no classes. Have a week to catch up on reading, study for the tests that will take place after that and completing assignments! All in a week?? If only the days were not actual 24 hours but in fact 36 or 48-hour day, that'll be something! But I guess it's better than nothing.